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Jamie Dean - 01/20/00 23:42:27
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: just looking
My father has had some problems, and I was looking for him because I need to know how to talk to him without making things worse. He lost my mother 11 years ago and had to raise 13 year old twins, now his wife of 6 years left him for his best friend and, he talks about dying now I think it's just a phase of depression and I don't think he'll do it but it seems I catch myself not knowing what to say at those times in our conversation. Thank you

Pat - 01/11/00 19:46:02
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: surfing
Thanks! Your site is very helpful

cadenza - 11/27/99 20:44:34
My Email:[email protected]
Hi great site its helpful to know there are more people out there feeling the same as me

Dara Clark - 11/27/99 05:31:33
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: searched
Books to suggest: "You mean I dont have to feel this way?" by Colette Dowling
I am in the process of getting help for depression. I am 21 years old and I can't stand being depressed. My grandmother tells me to just "snap-out-of-it"; "yesterday is over with, that's the past". Well it is not that easy. The past did not cause me t have depression. It just happened. I believe I may have been going thourgh depession my whole life, but just recently I went thourgh a deep depression and am still going thourgh it. Being 21 and depressed is not fun. I want the "normal" 21 year-old l fe style. I am scared that I may not get better. I just started taken Paxil. I was taken Effexor, but it seem to not be helping. My regular physcian prescribed Effexor. I finally saw a phyciatrist (sp?). He prescribed Paxil. I had to ween off Effex r and today was the first day to start Paxil. I am hoping for the best, but it is real hard. I really want to love life. I am relieved to find there are suppport groups and people in this world that actually understand. I am lucky because my mother un erstands. She also takes antidepressants.

Bobbie - 11/26/99 18:28:48
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: browsing
this is a very nice will help me with my research paper a lot. Thanks.

- 11/26/99 18:23:21

Carmen B. - 11/17/99 22:00:03
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: browsing
This is cool but do you know of any online people I can talk to?

Bob - 11/16/99 04:47:49
How you heard of my site: cruising
interesting site

Tiffany Rodriguez - 11/14/99 18:32:39
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: found it
thanks for the info on depression it helped a lot

Patricia Rhea - 11/11/99 19:58:53
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: My mother founded it.
Whatever you read take to heart and remember that you have family and friends that love you more than anything. If you don't have them then you are alone, but only you can make that choose. Do what is best for you. Thank you my family and friends that all helped me so far. It means the world to me.

- 11/11/99 19:51:21

Bobbie - 11/04/99 22:41:10
How you heard of my site: depression page

- 11/04/99 11:01:36

Cheryl - 11/03/99 03:58:47
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: surfing the net
I just want to thank you, for what you may ask??? For just having a site. I was wondering if you knew of any good chat rooms that have to do with manic depression??? I have Bi Polar mood disorder and I need people to talk to and this is just the easiest way for me since I don't leave my house much?? W ll thanks anyways, Cheryl

nik-nik - 10/30/99 04:38:29
How you heard of my site: study on depression
I thought this web-site is very well written, and I love the quote on the first page from Elizabeth Wurtzel. I've had many friends and family members who were clinically and manic depressive and I've never known what to do to help them out. Now I am lea ning how to help them... I know some people don't like to talk to people they don't know about their problems, and believe me I'm one of them, but it really does help with your mental stability. I hope others realize that it's a illness and not just an a titude.

Mojo - 10/28/99 17:12:21
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: webring
Great site. It's really helpful.

Bob - 10/26/99 17:16:01
My URL:http://
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: Search
Links to suggest:

Bob - 10/26/99 17:15:41
My URL:http://
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: Search

More and More depressed - 10/24/99 19:22:17
I'm a 16 year old girl who suffers from depression. My therapist says that is COULD be bipolar, but he isn't sure. I continue to have problems at home & my grades are dropping at school. My parents don't understand me and why I'm so depressed all the time And I don't understand either. They say I treat them bad, but I don't see that. I'm so confussed! I don't know where to turn to. I contimplate suicide, but haven't gone through with it. I ask God for help, but I get nothing in return. I don't know what t do. I cry all the time and seem to get angry VERY easily. I'm confused and have no where to turn.

Ally - 10/23/99 23:23:04
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: through Dr. Ivan's Depression Central
Links to suggest: Ally's Place!
Thank you for this wonderful site. Being a depressed teen myself, I think it's wonderful that you've created this site in order to help those depressed, and those with little knowledge of this disease. Again, thank you and congradulations. God bless!

pam - 10/20/99 14:57:23
My Email:[email protected]
How you heard of my site: was looking
i think your site is great.... i have depression but now im working threw it.. its hard..but im doing it...just wish nore people would understand ....its a illness also

mary mary quite contrary - 10/14/99 02:12:59

Joe - 10/12/99 15:32:30
How you heard of my site: Depression Central
Hey -- what happened to all your guestbook stuff?

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